The BENOR label is a voluntary quality label. It gives the user reassurance that a product, process or service complies with requirements.
It is a quality label because it guarantees that the certified product, process or service meets clearly defined quality requirements.
It is a voluntary label because it is used by the market and is not imposed by legislation. 
The BENOR label can be applied when agreed voluntarily between the parties.

The BENOR label is based on objective, checkable and non-discriminatory criteria. 
These criteria are established in consensus with all of the interested parties (stakeholders). They are based on the collective expectations defined by user groups.

The licence to use the BENOR label for a construction product is always based on product certification.
The manufacturer takes all the measures required to ensure that the product supplied meets current requirements. This is done, among other things, by the introduction of a self-inspection system.
The certification institution, as an independent third party, uses periodic and effective external controls to acknowledge that there is sufficient trust that the manufacturer guarantees the compliance of the product.

The BENOR label:

  • simplifies the clauses in contracts and specifications;
  • enables prior inspection to be avoided;
  • reduces the risk of disputes;
  • contributes to the quality of the building works;
  • encourages compliance with deadlines;
  • avoids unfair competition caused by lack of quality.

In construction, the BENOR label is an important link in the overall quality guarantee.
Thanks to the BENOR label:

  • the prime contractor has a quality guarantee for the products, processes or services used. Based on this gaining prior approval is not required;
  • the designer and architect can focus their attention on their assignment and on the quality of the building works;
  • the contractor has an additional guarantee that it is working with quality products;
  • the supplier is able to enjoy the user’s necessary trust in the products, processes or services supplied.

Private users have the right to place all required demands on products, processes or services. To demonstrate that the requirements have been met, they are free to call on a voluntary quality label.
Depending on the wishes of the parties and the intended quality of the build, the BENOR label can be mentioned in documents such as agreements and specifications, as well as on purchase orders.

The contracting authority can prescribe the BENOR mark to ensure that the products or services provided for a public procurement contract meet the quality requirements stated. 
Current regulations require that all suppliers have equal access to the market. For this reason, in addition to any reference to a specific label, such as the BENOR label, the words “or equivalent” must be stated. (cf. FAQ 8)
The voluntary label must also comply with a number of strict conditions. (cf. FAQ 9)

The equivalence of a voluntary label can relate both to the required characteristics and to the trust that can be placed in conformity.
Conformity must be investigated by the contracting authority if a product, process or service is offered that does not have the prescribed label. 
However, the burden of proof for conformity lies with the party offering the product, process or service.

In order to be prescribed in the context of a public procurement process, a voluntary label must:
  • be established via an open and transparent procedure in which all of the interested parties, including government bodies, consumers, social partners, manufacturers, distributors and non-government organisations, are able to participate;
  • be accessible for all of the parties involved.
The requirements for the label must:
  • be laid down by a third party over which the supplier has no decision-making influence;
  • relate only to criteria that are connected with the subject of the tender and that are suitable for describing the characteristics of the works, supplies or services;
  • be based on objective, checkable and non-discriminatory criteria. The BENOR label meets these conditions.

In the context of public works, building products may only be used once they have been approved by the lead official. However, this official may decide not to conduct acceptance checks if the products are certified. 
The BENOR label is extremely well suited to supporting the lead official in taking responsibility, while at the same time limiting the number of acceptance checks that have to be carried out on site. 

The European Construction Products Regulation (CPR) is designed to enable building products that meet fundamental requirements for building works to be sold.
According to the CPR, CE marking declares that the product corresponds with the performance for essential characteristics stated in the performance statement drawn up by the manufacturer. 
It is the manufacturer itself that declares what the performance is and that takes responsibility for the product complying with the performance indicated for the essential characteristics.
The BENOR label does not change anything here and does not result in a declaration of performance for essential characteristics. BENOR certification also provides an important added value.

The BENOR label enables the user to have confidence in the conformity of the product, process or service. 
BENOR certification guarantees, in all cases, that effective supervision has been exercised by an independent party. This supervision relates to the measures taken by the supplier who holds the licence to use the BENOR label as part of its own self-inspection process in order to guarantee conformity.
BENOR certification meets the expectations of users and contributes towards consumer protection as a result of the supplier’s self-inspection being supervised.
BENOR certification is designed to promotes everyone’s interests by promoting industry standards in a range of manufacturing sectors and, in so doing, it contributes towards technical and economic progress.

BENOR certification also offers the ability to safeguard various aspects of public safety, health and the interests of end-purchasers.

By using the BENOR label, the certified supplier commits to taking all measures to ensure that the product, process or service supplied corresponds with the specifications that apply.
The supplier also makes allowance for an independent and specialised third party to carry out an external check in accordance with an agreed certification scheme in order to give the user greater confidence.

The BENOR label is displayed on the product, product packaging or delivery documents. The BENOR label usually contains a reference to the current requirements and to the supplier, where applicable by way of an identification number.